What's happening?!
I pride myself on staying mentally young. But something happened on the way back from taking Bailey to school this morning. I passed a newly posted speed limit sign and actually said to myself, "That's too fast." And I meant it and still do. Very sad.
The city of Claremore changed the speed limit on a road out to our housing division from 40mph to 30mph. OMG...we have a school speed zone that is 30mph. Most everyone still goes 40-45 on that street. It's ridiculous. I'd rather go fast.
Well no sooner than I said that and the speed limit was raised back up, but only to 35 this time. But I'm happier and it was so funny after I was complaining that the very next day it had changed. Guess I wasn't the only one who was unhappy about since someone must have let the city know about it.
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