Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Like the tides

I try not to post anything if I don't have much good to say.  It's been a strange couple weeks of ups and downs.  My dad got very disheartening news from the doctor, followed by uplifting news a week later, leading to what will ultimately mean chemotherapy but much better than the original prognosis.  Amazing news that we weren't expecting.

A friend for many years and one of the most kind-hearted, loving people I've ever known lost her husband last week.  I'm so sad for her.  I simply can't imagine.

I know a teenager who is pregnant.  They weren't careful, it was stupid, and my heart still goes out to her.  And to her parents who are surely suffering an ache that is hard to explain.

We had a fun day-trip to Lubbock for a Tech/A&M basketball game and dinner courtesy of Alan's team lead.  One thing Texas is really good at is steakhouses.  It was crazy good.  And we had a lot of fun with everyone there.

We're taking another weekend/marathon trip this weekend.  We always have fun getting away.  Doesn't it feel weird sometimes though, when you're having a good time and you think of someone you know who is going through something difficult?

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