Friday, October 20, 2006

"It had two bulbous lumps like Mickey Mouse ears."

Odd that it would be breast-cancer awareness month and Addison had surgery this morning to have a breast lump removed. But before you go getting worried, three doctors have said they suspect it to be absolutely benign. And after the surgeon removed it and saw it with his own eyes today, he still suspects it to be benign. All three say it would be extremely rare for a sixteen year-old to have anything but a benign mass. The only reason it had to come out, says one doctor, is if it was bothering her and/or she was uncomfortable with the fact that IT would be there. He was willing to watch it for a few months, but we opted to get it out. It wasn't small, it would never go away, and she would notice it probably every day.

We'll know the results on or around Tuesday, but I feel certain she's fine. Funny how she found it though - she and a few friends, including one guy, were having lunch at Whataburger when one of the girls joked about how their diet cokes caused cancer. So a conversation started about breast cancer and Addison starts checking her boobs right there in Whataburger. Much to her surprise, she actually felt one - a LARGE one. Her friends didn't believe her. A few days later when she was back at our house, she had me check it. Yep, there was something there that shouldn't have been.

A fibroadenoma they call it. A harmless but nasty foreign creature.

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