Monday, August 11, 2008

A much needed manicure

Most of our weekend consisted of yard work, and we'd let so many things go that there was a ton to do. Between the potato vine explosion and the passion vine that intrudes on anything in its path, it was like Little Shop of Horrors in the backyard. This is the potato vine "under control," but that's a relative term:

We also replaced the mulch in all the flower beds, both front and back, which ended up being two trips to Home Depot and 15 bags of mulch. I'm going to pass on telling about my Home Depot experience, for now. Anyway, I like the new dark brown:

But sometimes the best things in nature are those that happen naturally. We inherited this old chair when we bought the house, but I had nothing to do with the Morning Glory that popped up this year and made its claim:



DeeBee said...

The front part of your house is looking good. I hadn't realized that you put plants there. Looks good!

Brandi said...

Wow! The front looks awesome! And I love the pic of that chair with the morning glory! So cool. Good job hard work pays off sometimes huh? :)