Hi there. We need to talk. I'm sure you probably say that everyday, but I can't hear you, being the mere mortal that I am. You may need to speak a little louder. Anyway...my plate is full, my heart is heavy, and I'm really tired. But you already knew that.
I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. It's been a rough fall for so many people that I know, for so many different reasons. I hope your prayers are answered soon and a more peaceful season is in store for you.
Awwww. :-(
I'm sorry that you are having to deal with this. Stick to your plan, never look away, and it will get better. I believe it will.
Hey, well I know sometimes it seems like things will never get better, but look at the bright side, once at the bottom...there isn't anywhere else to go but up. I'm feeling the bottom today, you know what I mean, it just is an aweful place to be, but I keep telling myself this is for the best and tomorrow HAS to be better, it was a little sunnier today, maybe tomorrow I can think about anything but my worthless mother. (Sorry I get violent sometimes) :P then I think about all the people who really care about me, people like you guys, and things start to feel a tiny bit better. SO in saying all of this, I've been adding you all to my prayers lately (and trust me there's been a lot of them over here... Sometimes it feels like I only look to God when it's really bad you know? That has to change too) I just feel like life needs a drastic change... maybe that's the answer to all of those prayers..... So you let me know when I can come pick you up and take you shopping or something. I'm in need of some kind of therepy... I think retail might be just right. haha
Holden's birthday is tomorrow. SO strange that a year ago I made the most perfect thing in all the world, and he actually loves ME! Weird, but amazing, and I'm so happy that he's so little and loves me so unconditionally. I hope it never ever goes away, so I guess he can never grow up! Ever! 1 is old enough for me. I can barely handle THIS attitude! :D
Thinking about you, here in Okie land.
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