Friday, December 19, 2008


I've been looking forward to tomorrow (today actually) all week, and not just because there are moments I want to dropkick those kids out the door for the Christmas break. I really do look forward to those days where I get to relax and enjoy the time with the kiddos, and not worry about test scores and silly mandates from the district. We get to have FUN tomorrow and have a Christmas-packed half-day of school!

Now if I could just get some sleep and be AWAKE for tomorrow.


DeeBee said...

Your bags are cute! And I can see that your Christmas decorations in the background are very festive. Looks nice!

My word verification this time is "gramp". Sounds like a good cuss word.

Brandi said...

You are such a sweet teacher! I wish my teachers would have been more like you! :)