Sunday, December 07, 2008

Lights and Mischief

We might have a new holiday tradition...Alan and Bailey putting up the Christmas lights. This is our first time to hang lights outside, but I can't show a picture yet because I think Alan is on a roll and may be adding much more.

And for those who enjoy the Junior videos, here's one of him playing with the giant toy we apparently bought just for him - the Christmas tree. This shows a major differences between cats and dogs. Dogs will run and act guilty if they're caught doing something wrong; cats will continue right in front of you just for spite. Or is that just Junior?


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see you lights...and was that junior making all that noise???? hold smokes, i can only imagine him snoring!!!! oh and i think you are right, dogs do run when they are guilty, mines always do!!

Brandi said...

I'm with her, I'm excited to see Alan and Bailey's masterpiece! That video was cute... but it was as close to Junior as I ever want to get again, crazy hopping stalker cat...... :P

mel... said...

Was Alan drunk while putting the lights up? I seem to remember he had an affinity for climbing onto the roofs of buildings after having more than a few...

DeeBee said...

I'm one that loves the Junior videos. His evilness appeals to me. And I can't wait to see the lights!

Unknown said...

That noise you hear is my camera focusing, not Junior purring. ha.