Saturday, January 01, 2011

I have to wonder how different things might be one year from today.  I'm not sure which is more exciting or unsettling: how much could change or how much could not change over the next 12 months.  We could have moved from Midland.  I might not be teaching.  The girls could be doing who knows what, and both my "kids" will no longer be kids.

Whatever happens, I think 2011 has a nice ring to it.

Some favorites from 2010:

Finishing this:

 When little Betsey came along:

Crossing something off the bucket list:

Beautiful San Diego:

Camping with Duke and my favorite person:

Florida in October with the guys:

And any moment spent with them...I've learned far too late to treasure these times:


her said...

Nice. Looks like you had a great year. Can't wait to see what 2011 brings you.

Naomi said...

2010 was a good year for ya! I hope 2011 is even better!