Friday, September 29, 2006

Miles to go

Had I had my normal voice today, the words I said to a certain third grade boy would have been yelled. At least I think they would have. I don't like admitting that. I haven't yelled at any of the students yet. Thankfully, my voice was only halfway working today so it didn't come out that loud. But I was irritated enough and loud enough that I heard some other students' muffled reactions like, "whoa!" and "man!" Guess they saw Mrs. Schaeffer really pissed off today. Sucks to be them, because my training on discipline and classroom management doesn't come until after I'm hired by the district and have started teaching.

I also had to send a note home about behavior problems to a boy's mom today. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it's not a great feeling when you know there may be consequences at home that are beyond your control.

On another subject, we had swordfish for dinner tonight. Okay, here's some advice if you don't already know, because we sure didn't. Swordfish is around $18 per pound. Tilapia can be found for about a buck a filet. Fish is fish is fish in my book. I'll take Tilapia and spend the other $17 on important foods like Bit-O-Honey, bean dip, and Frosted Flakes.

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