Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More fun in third grade

"I understand that being a newbie, you have not learned how to pick your battles...."

This was the beginning of a degrading, handwritten, full-page note from a parent that I received first thing this morning. The parent's son handed it to me, and in retrospect I now recall that the boy seemed oh-so-happy to deliver. The letter is basically a mom ranting about something I make the boy do, that the mom has a major problem with. I wasn't threatened in the letter, but the tone was disrespectful enough that the principal wants to personally handle the matter and will be calling the boy's mom today. The mom is also not to set foot near myself or my mentor teacher without the principal or assistant principal present, per the administration. Indefinitely. And by the way, "The Mom" (a name she refers to herself as) is no less than 6'2 and 350+ lbs.

So what was the unreasonable thing I made the boy do? Dry his hands with a paper towel. Grow up and learn a life skill.


DeeBee said...

Holy cow!!! Don't walk in dark alleys alone and always have an escort in the parking lot.

scary bitch! you know that she knows she's scary with that height and size. And not to mention if she's that against cleanliness, her smell must be weapon of its own.

her said...

Oh My...

Welcome to teaching.