Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dig it

I wish everyone could experience a varsity girls volleyball game like the ones around here, just once. I think you'd be a volleyball fan after the experience. The crowd is wild, the noise is deafening beyond belief, and the action non-stop. There's also a huge following of teenagers that show up, some complete with painted bodies and costumes, and they keep things going as well. But the real entertainment is how amazing these girls play. If you live in West Texas, you're crazy if you don't attend at least one Tuesday night game.

Between the excitement of the Cowboys game Monday night and the volleyball game last night, I'm not even missing the Braves right now.


DeeBee said...

If I lived in West Texas... I'd attend.

mel... said...

Yea, but if you lived in West Texas, then you'd live in West Texas. Ugh. (:

Unknown said...

Good point. But I have to find the treasures where I can. :-)

DeeBee said...

In my last comment, I almost said something negative about the prospect of living in West Texas but decided to let it go this once. I'm glad that someone else understands and said what I was thinking. :-)

mel... said...

I figure I can get away with it since I did live there for 3 months nearly 10 years ago.